2009-08-27 11:37
Week for the Protection of Life
The presbyterial council of the Archdiocese of Seoul decided at its meeting on August 20, 2008, to annually observe the first week of December as the Week for the Protection of Life.

All parishes of the Archdiocese of Seoul will celebrate a 'Mass for Life' together during the week to manifest the deep determination of the Church to protect life. Until now the Mass for Life has been celebrated only at Myeongdong Cathedral of Seoul The Archdiocese of Seoul will prepare and distribute materials for the Mass, homily and public information. A special 'Prayer for Life' will be recited before and after the Mass. There is also an extra intention for life added to the collect, the prayer of the faithful, the prayer over the offering, and the prayer after Communion.


The Archdiocese of Seoul will promote the movement in society for the diffusion of a culture of life by initiating many events, including the '2008 Concert for Life' and the 'Award Ceremony for the Best UCC (User Created Contents) for life.'


Speaking of its 'Project for the Observation of the Week for Protection of Life,' the secretariat of the Committee for Life of the Archdiocese of Seoul said, "The Archdiocese of Seoul decided to observe the Week for the Protection of Life in the first week of December since Human Rights Sunday is observed in the same week and the observance fits well with the spirit of Advent, waiting for the birth of the infant Jesus." The secretariat expressed the hope that the week will be an occasion for all the faithful of the Archdiocese of Seoul to appreciate the meaning of protecting life.