2009-08-27 11:54
Episcopal Messages for Easter 2009

* Episcopal Messages for Easter 2009


Each diocesan bishop in Korea issued a message for Easter 2009, admonishing the faithful to overcome wisely today’s economic crisis and be salt and light ㅐㄹ this world to give strength and hope to our neighbors, following footsteps of Jesus Christ who defeated the death and rose from the dead. Diocesan bishops in Korea also urged to live a life of gratitude and sharing in this world, following the exemplary life and faith of the late Stephen Cardinal Kim Su-hwan.


In his message with the title of “Let us live the life of resurrection with gratitude and love,” H.E. Nicholas Cardinal Cheong Jinsuk, Archbishop of Seoul, said, “Practice of gratitude and love, which the deceased Stephen Card. Kim left to us as a legacy of love, is the realization of the spirit of resurrection in our life. Even with the smallest gratitude and love, we can bear fruit and eventually witness a miracle in our society when many people partake in it.”


The Most Rev. John Choi Young-soo, Archbishop of Daegu, in his message entitled “Surrexit Dominus Vere, Alleluia!”, said, “We can experience the encounter with our risen Lord, only through our faith life, especially when we take part in the eucharistic life in which we share our life. When we willingly abandon our selfishness and share in the life-giving example of our Lord, we can encounter the risen Lord and the people in the world can also see Him through us.”


The Most Rev. Andreas Choi Chang-mou, Archbishop of Kwangju, asserting that "suffering, death and resurrection are our journey towards salvation, urged, “We Christians should manifest constantly fruits of grace in this world imbued with sin and be sons and daughters of God, who filling up in our flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body which is the Church.”