2013-01-07 16:32
2013-01-11 14:14
Message for the 29th Caritas Sunday


Most RevLucas Kim Woon-hoe, President of the CBCK Committee for "Caritas Coreana", issued Message for the 29th Caritas Sunday on December 16, 2012.


In his message entitled “Never Halt Your Step towards Love”, bishop Kim said, “God invites us all to a true charity, and, therefore, we have to be delighted to answer Him with a joyful heart.”


Noting on the ongoing social controversy about so-called “universal welfare”, Bishop Kim said, “we recognize that the welfare is a right to be claimed by every human person with good reason. It cannot be a merciful favor bestowed by authorities in charge of policy making and execution.” He also reaffirmed that “the Church cannot but reflect upon what and how to distribute in regard to the social issue of universal welfare. …… the role of the Church for the poor neighbours is more important than anything else.”


In conclusion he urged the faithful to “look to the poor through the eyes of Jesus, have sympathy for their suffering with the heart of Jesus, and share generously what we have with them, approaching them with a loving step as if they were our Lord Jesus Himself. Never halt our step towards love.”