2009-08-24 12:19
2009-08-24 12:19
Communications on Jun. 20, 2002
* Revised Korean Translation of the Documents of the Second Vatican Council Published

The Catholic Conference of Korea published revised Korean translation of the Documents of the Second Vatican Council in bilingual edition of Latin and Korean on May 17, 2002.
The Documents of the Second Vatican Council was first translated into Korean in 1969 and since then has served as principles and norms of renewal in every field of the Christian life. The project started in 1998 in the wake of the revision of the spelling system of Hangeul(Korean language).
The new edition focused on conforming to rearranged Catholic glossary and contemporary Korean usage while preserving precise meaning of the original Latin text and the spirit and expression of the Second Vatican Council. In addition, it includes a rich index in appendix.

* Statistics Indicate Growth of the Catholic Church in Korea

As of the end of December 2001, the Catholic population in Korea reached 4,228,488, which amounts to 8.8% of the general population of Korea(48,021,543).
The 2001 Statistics of the Catholic Church in Korea issued by the Catholic Conference of Korea on June 15 revealed that 156,928 people were newly baptized in 2001, by which the Catholic population in Korea increased by 3.9% from the previous year. The increase rate from the year of 2000 to the year of 2001 was 3.2%.
According to the statistics, the Archdiocese of Seoul had the largest Catholic population as many as 1,370,021, which was followed by the Diocese of Suwon(539,607), the Archdiocese of Taegu(382,361) and the Diocese of Pusan(375,098). The increase rate was highest in the Military Ordinariate as 13.8%, and the Dioceses of Taejon(13.3%) and Suwon(6.7%) also showed high increase rate.
In addition, the Catholic Church in Korea had one Cardinal, four Archbishops, 23 Bishops(including two foreigners), ten Monsignors, and 3,192 Priests(including 182 foreigners). The number of priests increased by 2.4% compared to the previous year. And there were 1,231 men religious(including religious priests) and 8,455 women religious, increased by 6.6% and 2.0% from the previous year, respectively.
Last year 30 new parishes were newly established. With these new parished total number of the parishes increased to 1,258 parishes across the nation while the number of secondary stations was reduced to 1,074 from 1,108.
Looking into it more carefully, the number of Catholics increased in all age groups except one(up to one year old) and the rate was notably high in age groups of 7-12(6.1%), 40-49(6.1%) and 70 or over(6.4%).