2009-08-25 14:00
2009-08-25 14:01
Communication on September 10
* Basic Ecclesial Communities Bloom in Cheju

On September 5, 2004, the Diocese of Cheju (Bishop: Most Rev. Peter Kang U-il) held the Congress of the Basic Ecclesial Communities, where some 5,000 Catholics from 24 parishes participated and confirmed the vitality of the BECs in the diocese.

After the opening ceremony, there were a special lecture by the Most Rev. Vincent Ri Pyung-ho, Bishop of Chonju, on the theme "The Way of Being Church," and a presentation of the parishes in which BECs are successfully organized. In addition, they offered a Mass and made ten resolutions, which included to actively take part in and activate the BECs, to be the salt in the society by realizing the unity and sharing of charity, to spread love and peace in their neighborhood, and to make communion with near neighbors and expand it to wider scope.

Since Bishop Kang declared this year as "The Year to Be United in the Word of God," the faithful in Cheju have positively responded to this will by living out the Gospel, for example, by transcribing the Bible and bringing prayer to God for the animation of BECs.

At the Congress, Bishop Kang said, "If the diocese, parishes, and BECs are to grow in the faith, they should be nurtured by the Word of God. So, I hope all diocesans to gather around the Word, to meet the Lord in His Word and to put it into practice in solidarity with neighbors."

Mr. Athanatius Kim Hang-won, Chairman of the Lay Apostolate Council in Cheju, called on the faithful, "Let's promote the BECs in our diocese with the spirit of participation, service and sharing so that we can give an example to other dioceses."

According to the Rev. John Ko Byeong-su, Pastoral Administrator of the Diocese, since the diocese started to focus on the BECs in 2003, the number of the baptized, Mass attendants, returning faithful has been gradually increasing in the Diocese of Cheju.

* Catholic Association for the Welfare of the Elderly Established

From September 6 to 7, 2004, those engaged in the welfare of the elderly in each diocese gathered at St. J Hasang Education Centre in Daejeon and formed the Catholic Association for the Welfare of the Elderly, under the wing of the CBCK Committee for "Caritas Coreana," and resolved to be committed to the welfare of the elderly in the spirit of the Gospel.

At the meeting, Mr. Francisco Xavier Kim Han-jong, currently General Manager of St. Joseph Dementia Centre in Jeonui, Chungcheongnam-do, was elected as the first President with three-year term and the Rev. Cyril Lee Su-han, Professor at Hyeondo Social Welfare College of Kkottongnae, as the Spiritual Director.

The participants also set forth the target projects for the next year, such as setting up short-term or long-term goals of the Association, improving the qualification of workers, making policies and plans for the welfare of the elderly and enhancing the awareness of the public.

The newly-elected President Kim said, "Although it is somewhat belated, the establishment of this kind of organization can be a stimulus to the development of diverse projects in this field, by critically commenting on the government's welfare policy and suggesting effective alternatives, which individual institutes or dioceses couldn't do before." He also asked for positive participation and concern for the welfare of the elderly from the perspectives of the Catholic spirituality.