2009-08-27 10:29
2009-08-27 10:29
Communication on September 23, 2005

* Migrant Workers Center, "Joy House" Opened

"Joy House", a center for the migrant workers in Korea was opened in Incheon on Sep. 1, 2005.

The Most Rev. Boniface Choi Ki-san, the Bishop of Incheon, presided the opening ceremony.

In the "Joy House" the migrant workers in Korea can have a chance to discuss about their problems, not to mention the usual coffee break and fun. In addition to that, the foreign women married Korean men can learn Korean language, cooking and manners and customs here.

The Department of Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerants of Inchoen Diocese engages actively in the service for the migrant workers. Last year it opened a free clinic for the migrant workers. It will keep up such activities for the migrant workers in the future.